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The Brancaccio

Brancaccio Costruzioni was founded in 1956 and, since its first experiences, aims to realize quality works fully respecting the safety of its workers. In all these years of activity the company realized many projects (private and mainly public) throughout Italy in the most diverse fields, from homes to aqueducts, from hospitals to schools, from roads to metropolitan lines, from stadiums to ports and interports.


Today Brancaccio Costruzioni is a design, construction, plant and technology company, extremely flexible and effective in approaching complex projects.

Neapolitan professionalism

The activity of the company sinks its roots in Campania, the Region were the Neapolitan professionalism, active in the architecture and engineering field, performed from the 60’s to today.


The first architecture and engineering students of famous figures like Marcello Canino, Luigi Cosenza and Carlo Cocchia, have helped, along with the best part of the neapolitan building entrepreneurship, to establish the great polytechnic culture born in the Campania Region in the previous century thanks to the first industrial settlements founded near Naples.

Problem solving

The company features many active collaborations with the most thoughtful exponents of the Italian architectural and engineering culture and offers a successful application of the "neapolitan entrepreneurship model", based on exceptional versatility and extraordinary problem solving.

Scientific Research

The Company believes and invests in the scientific research. It has an active doctorate in Industrial Research with the CNR and with the University of Naples “Federico II” and many other R&S projects, including “” with Prof. Arch. Sergio Pone.

Innovation and Sustainability

The Company is a partner of STRESS – “High Tech Area for the Sustainable Construction”, that aims to promote Innovation has a qualifying element of the Building Industry.


Together they have developed two digital learning platform about fire safety and worksite safety, both with VR compatibility, granting a more immersive learning experience to workers.

Scientific Research

The Company believes and invests in the scientific research. It has an active doctorate in Industrial Research with the CNR and with the University of Naples “Federico II” and many other R&S projects, including “” with Prof. Arch. Sergio Pone.